Pre-School Levels - Swimmers 3 years old until the start of 2nd grade
Pre-Beginner I - This level is for the beginning swimmer. We will work on water adjustment, increasing comfort level and introduction of swimming skills.
Progression Skills:
Airplane kicks with good flutter kicks
Swim to teacher from a sitting dive
Back float independently for 10 seconds
Front float independently for 5 seconds
Jump into deep water and swim back to wall
Swim 15 feet with face in water - good head position
Pre-Beginner II - Swimmers work on being more independent in the water. They will increase the distance swum on front and back and more emphasis is placed on good body position.
Progression Skills:
Take breaths independently by lifting head or rolling onto back
Front float for 10 seconds and then roll onto back for a 10 second back float
Jump into deep water, surface and back float for 10 seconds
Swim 60 feet (20 yds.) of back scull
Swim 50 feet on front using good kicks and armpulls, lifting head for breath
Swim 60 feet (20 yds.) on front, turning on back to breathe and then returning to front
Swimmers who complete Pre-Beginner II move into our Advanced Beginner level.